Tiba-tiba gue keinget zaman-zaman dulu waktu gue masih muda, kira-kira beratus-ratus tahun yang lalu. Dari zaman SMP sampe Kuliah, gue sering banget ngalamin yang namanya Friendzone.
Friendzone = Keadaan dimana gebetan kamu cuma nganggep kamu sebatas seorang temen, nggak lebih.
Iya, sakitttt hati ini sobbb.. Sakiitttttt!!!!
Beberapa kali gue pernah suka sama sahabat gue sendiri, emang sih gue tau kalo suka sama sahabat sendiri itu kecil banget kemungkinannya buat bisa jadian, karena gue sebagai sahabatnya adalah orang yang menjadi tempat dia buat cerita, buat ketawa-ketawa, buat nangis, dan juga buat curhat, terutama buat curhat tentang gebetannya dia, which means yang bikin gue jadi sakit hati banget.
Dari dulu gue sering banget dijadiin temen curhat, terutama sama cewek-cewek, makanya temen cewek gue banyak banget karena gue (ehem) bisa lumayan sabar ngedengerin curhatan cewek-cewek dan juga nyoba ngebantu nyari solusi dari masalah si cewek itu. Darisitulah banyak dari gebetan gue yang cuma nganggep gue sebagai temen curhat dan nggak akan pernah bisa lebih dari itu. Sakit hati? Iya. Banget.
Friendzone itu rasanya menyakitkan banget. Dimana kamu bisa selalu deket sama dia, bisa selalu bareng-bareng sama dia, tapi kamu nggak bisa memiliki dia. Dimana kamu bisa selalu senyum kalo ada dia, bisa selalu senyum kalo dia ngeliatin kamu, tapi senyumnya nggak bisa kamu miliki.
Dari cerita Friendzone ini, gue nemuin satu lagu yang menurut gue pas banget buat kamu-kamu yang lagi ngerasain Friendzone ataupun lagi berusaha untuk Move On.
it's from Melissa Polinar (@mpolinar) - Try
There's something about you
the way you move, the way you look at me
There's something about the way you see things
its like a change of scenery
Everything about you, I just want more of
but don't get any closer
if this will last a little longer
There's a chance I'll find myself saying (there's)
nothing, nothing i can do
to keep my heart away from you
i can't help it
i can't tell you how much i try
...to get you off my mind
to help me move on and just live my life
I can't help it
I can't tell you how much I try
('cause) whenever you're near
its love that i fear
i've been in this shell
and I can't tell if I'm living at all
I've been doing well on my own
but maybe its just me who I'm deceiving
Everything about me, leads right to you
oh, I want to get closer
but let me doubt a little longer
'till i turn it over and give in ('cause)
fear of falling so helplessly
fear of losing, losing control
©2009 all rights reserved.

girl, the time has come
every beautiful things that we've done
is no longer the sweetest one
this relationship can't go on and on, its the finish line
you are memories, like a dream but i don't want to keep
when i remember you i can't go to sleep
this is killin' me, yeah
and i want you to know baby
i just wanna move on baby
i just wanna move on baby
i just wanna move on baby
and i keep hittin' repeat
constantly, girl you played through my mind like a symphony
theres no way to describe what you do to me, you just do to me
what you do
i can't get you out of my head, my mind
even my soul and my heart
you are magical lyrical, beautiful, you are
but i want you to know baby
#freepukpuk buat semuanya~ (⌣́_⌣̀)\('́⌣'̀ )
Ada satu lagu tambahan lagi nih yang pas banget buat kamu yang lagi berusaha buat MOVE ON.. Awas nangis ya dengerinnya..
Love you like a love song / I just want to move on - by @TeddyAdhitya
every beautiful things that we've done
is no longer the sweetest one
this relationship can't go on and on, its the finish line
you are memories, like a dream but i don't want to keep
when i remember you i can't go to sleep
this is killin' me, yeah
and i want you to know baby
i just wanna move on baby
i just wanna move on baby
i just wanna move on baby
and i keep hittin' repeat
constantly, girl you played through my mind like a symphony
theres no way to describe what you do to me, you just do to me
what you do
i can't get you out of my head, my mind
even my soul and my heart
you are magical lyrical, beautiful, you are
but i want you to know baby
#freepukpuk buat semuanya~ (⌣́_⌣̀)\('́⌣'̀ )